[Grupoestudiopirateria] Inaugural Piracy Studies Conference, Feb. 28-29 (updates, photos, videos & more)
Mariana-Cecilia Velazquez
marianaceciliav at unr.edu
Sun Mar 15 13:46:29 EDT 2020
Dear all,
We hope this e-mail finds you well. We wish to thank everyone who participated in the Inaugural Piracy Studies Conference. The success of this event was demonstrated by the quality of the presentations and the discussion of ideas that took place during the conference and subsequent cultural activities related to piracy.
We want to let you know that we have updated the conference webpage<https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fgrupoestudiopirateria.org%2Finaugural-piracy-studies-conference%2F&data=01%7C01%7Cmarianaceciliav%40unr.edu%7C0b8a389d19914039c63c08d7c8d36037%7C523b4bfc0ebd4c03b2b96f6a17fd31d8%7C1&sdata=aQId%2Fj8J6Pf2nPJFNQJvsmUoYbGZds4sQubysYb8B1c%3D&reserved=0> (disponible también en español<https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fgrupoestudiopirateria.org%2Fes%2Fconvocatoria-conferencia-inaugural-de-estudios-de-la-pirateria%2F&data=01%7C01%7Cmarianaceciliav%40unr.edu%7C0b8a389d19914039c63c08d7c8d36037%7C523b4bfc0ebd4c03b2b96f6a17fd31d8%7C1&sdata=dwmEVE1DLFUj6FbVKjRSLSvHwg0w%2Bwhb3UUP2vb3vco%3D&reserved=0>) with the following materials: photos, videos of the two plenary addresses given by Dr. Lane and Dr. Urbina, and the minutes of our meeting on Feb. 29.
At this point, we are still in the process of coordinating the dates for the next congress that will take place next year in Lima, Peru. As soon as we have more information about this event we will reach out to you.
Clayton & Mariana
[University of Nevada, Reno]<http://www.unr.edu/>
Mariana-Cecilia Velazquez, PhD
Assistant Professor
World Languages & Literatures
EJCH, 241X
1664 N. Virginia Street
work-phone: (775) 682-8904<tel:(775)%20682-8904>
email: marianaceciliav at unr.edu<mailto:marianaceciliav at unr.edu>
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