[GWSG] 25% renewable; $.5 billion lies; aguaponics; offshore wind; exporting renewable energy; DOE on new fridges; 80% at risk

Tilley, Al atilley at unf.edu
Thu Sep 30 13:05:46 EDT 2010

1.  Last year renewables accounted for 25% of global power capacity.  For the second year in a row we spent more on developing renewables than on fossil fuel.  Over 100 countries have adopted policies and targets to support development of renewable power.  Growth has been particularly robust in developing countries.   http://www.renewableenergyworld.com/rea/news/article/2010/09/renewables-continue-remarkable-growth

2.  Last year in the US, fossil fuel interests spent over 500 million dollars on propaganda and political influence.  For the time being, they are succeeding in preventing us from engaging a great common enemy.  That enemy promises to inflict suffering and then annihilation.  Climate change poses a threat unique in human history.  Hitler killed his millions but was not able to destroy the very conditions of life.  Now, when we would ride through the gates to our defense, oil companies, utilities, and the Chamber of Commerce lie in our way.  At some point we shall recognize them for the obstructions they are, ride around or over them, and get on with the battle.     http://climateprogress.org/2010/09/27/dirty-money-oil-companies-special-interest-polluters-spend-millions-to-kill-climate-bil/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+climateprogress%2FlCrX+%28Climate+Progress%29  Governor Schwarzenegger speaks directly to the problem of the current attempt by oil companies to reverse California’s mitigation efforts.  http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2010/09/27/BA071FKEMG.DTL  Under current conditions 22% of plant species are faced with extinction, the same as the proportion of mammals.  Circumstances are on track to change for the worse unless we ride down the propagandists.    http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-11434109

3.  Aquaponics combines raising leafy green vegetables with raising fish in a symbiotic and sustainable cycle.  http://www.nytimes.com/2010/09/28/business/energy-environment/28iht-rbofish.html?_r=1&emc=tnt&tntemail0=y

4.  The Atlantic coast of the US has more energy to give from offshore wind than it does from oil and gas deposits, according to a study by Oceana.  And in 20 years the wind will still be there, still free.  http://www.mcclatchydc.com/2010/09/28/101206/wind-energy-can-power-much-of.html

5.  Scotland intends to be a net exporter of renewable energy by 2025.  Offshore wind, wave, and tidal energy are major contributors.  http://www.businessgreen.com/business-green/news/2270510/salmond-renewables-supply-100   Britain generally needs to develop a home-grown wind industry to meet renewable energy targets economically.  http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-11418685

6.  The Department of Energy’s new efficiency standards for refrigerators will obviate the need for 8 or 9 coal plants by 2043.  http://www.energy.gov/news/9582.htm

7.  An article in Nature finds that 80% of the world’s population depends on a water supply which is at risk and threatened with further degradation from climate change.  Many of those areas are in Europe and the US, where the stress has been alleviated by water management (at least for humans).  http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-11435522  The study argues that, where possible, we should restore the original condition of watercourses.    http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2010/100930-freshwater-river-map-security-risks/

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