[GWSG] CC in NY; HFC ghg; ghg record; oysters, salmon decline; 65% for C tax; 3D solar cells; FITs; 112 mpg

Tilley, Al atilley at unf.edu
Wed Nov 23 10:26:58 EST 2011

1.  A three year study by a consortium of New York State universities describes the approaching impact of climate change on the region.  Among other matters, climate change will be costing the state $10 billion annually by mid-century.  The report does not attempt to factor in melting of the polar ice sheets.  http://www.buffalonews.com/city/article635538.ece

2.  A UN report says that the use of HFCs to replace older refrigerants in a move to save the earth’s ozone shield may be doing as much damage to climate as is transportation by 2050.  HFCs only persist in the atmosphere for about 15 years but are about 1200 times more powerful than CO2 as greenhouse gasses.  Alternatives include other forms of HFC and ammonia.   http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-11-21/air-conditioning-hfc-gas-must-be-curbed-to-aid-climate-un-says.html#<http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-11-21/air-conditioning-hfc-gas-must-be-curbed-to-aid-climate-un-says.html>

3.  The global release of greenhouse gasses is at record levels and accelerating.  http://www.washingtonpost.com/national/national-security/greenhouse-gases-soar-scientists-see-little-chance-of-arresting-global-warming-this-century/2011/11/21/gIQAOgltiN_story.html

4.  The Pacific Northwest has seen massive oyster die-offs in the past five years.  A hatchery in Oregon is fending off ocean acidification by using sodium bicarbonate and by timing water intake to daily acid fluctuations.  http://e360.yale.edu/feature/massive_oyster_die-offs_show_ocean_acidification_has_arrived/2466/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+YaleEnvironment360+%28Yale+Environment+360%29  On the East Coast, salmon spawning is declining.  http://summitcountyvoice.com/2011/11/22/global-warming-gulf-of-maine-salmon-dwindling/

5.  In a Yale survey, 2/3 of Americans support a revenue-neutral carbon tax.  http://environment.yale.edu/climate/publications/PolicySupportNovember2011/

6.  A team from MIT has designed 3-dimensional solar cell structures which have a small footprint, look like sculptures, and capture enough ambient light to work in rainy weather.   http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/this-could-be-big-abc-news/future-solar-power-134303743.html

7.  Feed-in tariff programs for solar power pay for themselves and are effective in promoting energy transition.  It requires no subsidy nor does it increase the national debt.  The key is to include the external costs of fossil fuels in an economic analysis, as Germany does.  http://www.renewableenergyworld.com/rea/news/article/2011/11/feed-in-tariffs-the-proven-road-not-takenwhy?cmpid=WNL-Friday-November25-2011  The Gainesville, FL, FIT sold out immediately and will reopen in January.  The program is modeled on Germany’s.  http://www.dsireusa.org/incentives/incentive.cfm?Incentive_Code=FL77F&re=1&ee=1

8.  The Department of Energy has released its 2012 auto fuel economy ratings.  http://energy.gov/articles/doe-and-epa-release-2012-annual-fuel-economy-guide  The leader is a mini 4-seat Mitsubishi electric, the iMiEV, rated at 112 mpg.  http://www.mitsubishi-motors.com/special/ev/index.html
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