[GWSG] GOP $; youngsters sue; Hansen paper comments; C- wastewater process; Sunroof; EPA CH4 regs

Tilley, Al atilley at unf.edu
Tue Aug 18 16:14:25 EDT 2015

1.  Eight of the Republican candidates for president have been given at least $63m by fossil fuel interests.  Cruz, Bush, and Perry have been most richly supported.  http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/aug/12/republican-candidates-fossil-fuels-donors-super-pacs

2.  A group of young people have sued the US government for violating their rights through contributing to climate change by promoting fossil fuels.  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/youth-obama-climate-change-lawsuit_55cbc451e4b064d5910a7183  James Hansen is testifying on behalf of the plaintiffs.  His testimony is a lucid summary of our situation and its causes.  http://csas.ei.columbia.edu/2015/08/12/youth-versus-obama-dr-hansens-testimony-against-the-government/

3.  Comments on the recent James Hansen et al. paper have allowed us to see a process of peer review usually conducted invisibly before publication.  At issue are some fundamental questions about changes now in progress.  http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/energy-environment/wp/2015/08/14/what-live-peer-review-looks-like-when-the-planet-is-at-stake/

4.  A saline wastewater treatment process developed at the U of CO-Boulder is carbon negative, produces substances which increase the alkalinity of seawater, and generates hydrogen gas which could be used in fuel cells.  Current methods produce carbon and use 3% of the nation's grid energy.  http://www.alternet.org/environment/amazing-new-process-treats-wastewater-captures-carbon-and-producing-renewable-energy

5.  Google is piloting Project Sunroof.  Where implemented, it will give readings for any address on how much sun the roof gets, the potential savings from solar power, the estimated size of the unit necessary to supply the power, and contact information for recommended installers.  Current pilot areas are Boston, San Francisco, and Fresno.  http://climatecrocks.com/2015/08/18/need-solar-google-it/

6.  The EPA has proposed new curbs on methane emissions which would require controls on new fracking operations and limit leaks from transport and storage of the gas.  It would also apply to existing operations in areas with unusual emissions.  Further measures, especially regarding existing facilities, will be required to meet US emissions goals, and it may take more goads and carrots to bring the fossil fuel industry into line.    http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/energy-environment/wp/2015/08/18/with-proposed-limits-on-methane-epa-takes-aim-at-a-powerful-greenhouse-gas/  ?

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