[GWSG] Canada prices C; political lies; cryogenic power storage; CH4 spikes; local extinctions; C40 emissions roadmap

Tilley, Al atilley at unf.edu
Mon Dec 12 10:11:28 EST 2016

1.  Canada has adopted a C$10 price a tonne on carbon, rising by yearly increments to C$50 by 2022.  Provinces may adopt a cap-and-trade system or a straight tax.  Provinces which have not signed (two at this point) on will have the carbon price imposed.  https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/dec/10/canada-sets-first-national-carbon-price-of-c10-a-tonne

2.   Climate denial has illuminating parallels in the authoritarian past.  The Romanian dictator Ceausescu lied about the temperature in his country to escape heating bills, and the Nazis constantly employed blatant lies to cover or to justify brutalities.  Autocrats generally claim to be able to define reality.   http://www.huffingtonpost.com/ralf-michaels/climate-change-denial-and_b_13547636.html

3.  Cryogenic power storage cools air to a liquid with surplus power and then expands it to drive a turbine as new power is needed.  It can use both waste heat and waste cold, and is appropriate for uses where over 10 megawatts of storage are needed.  http://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-37902773

4.  Global methane emissions are climbing, and agriculture seems to be the major source of the increase.  https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/energy-environment/wp/2016/12/11/atmospheric-levels-of-methane-a-powerful-greenhouse-gas-are-spiking-scientists-report/?utm_term=.d09a35c03b54

5.  47% of a sample of 976 species have experienced local extinctions from climate change-that is, they have disappeared from a former habitat.  https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2016/12/161208152136.htm

6.  C40, a group of 86 cities representing 650 million people, has released a road map for meeting the emissions targets set in the Paris Agreement.  Generally, the cities can deliver about half the necessary emissions cuts through more efficient infrastructure, including buildings.  The remaining half of cuts could come from electrification of the power supply and greening of the grid.  http://www.vox.com/science-and-health/2016/12/6/13832466/cities-climate-change  ?

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