[GWSG] Kids head for trial; renewables in future; COP delegates worry; ignoring warming impossible; Kerry on way to Marrekech

Tilley, Al atilley at unf.edu
Sun Nov 13 08:36:56 EST 2016

1.  Patrick Parenteau, Senior Counsel and Professor of Law at Vermont Law School, sends this good news on the suit filed by a group of children in Oregon seeking climate action.  "Judge Aiken just issued a blockbuster opinion in the Our Children's Trust case (Juliana v United States) pending in the Oregon Federal Court. She denied the government's motion to dismiss and ruled that the youth plaintiffs have stated a valid claim that the federal government has a public trust obligation and constitutional duty to take action necessary to secure a safe climate for future generations. This is a landmark ruling that sets the stage for the trial of the century that will feature some of the leading climate scientists in the world including Jim Hansen. Given what just happened in the presidential election it could not have come at a better time. The government will try to avoid a trial by pursuing an interlocutory appeal to the 9th Circuit but there is a good chance the court will decline to step in at this point and allow the case to proceed to trial and see how the Trump administration responds.

"The decision vindicates the brilliant scholarship of Professor Mary Wood at U of Oregon and the skilled advocacy of Julia Olson at OTC."

2.  Despite Trump, the future of energy can be renewable.  Economics, politics, and the exigency of climate action can trump Trump.  He said as much a few years ago.  https://www.theguardian.com/sustainable-business/2016/nov/12/donald-trump-climate-change-energy-environment

3.  The delegates at Marrakech are concerned about the effect of the US election on their efforts.  https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2016/nov/12/climate-change-marrakech-no-plan-b--trump-victory

4.  Trump intends to govern as if global warming did not exist.  That is not possible, for reasons both existential and political.  https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2016/nov/11/trump-presidency-a-disaster-for-the-planet-climate-change

5.  Secretary of State John Kerry, on his way from the Antarctic to COP 22, said that the situation with the climate is changing.  "The evidence is mounting in ways that people in public life should not dare to avoid accepting as a mandate for action."  "Until January 20 when this administration is over, we intend to do everything possible to meet our responsibility to future generations to be able to address this threat to life itself on the planet."   http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/us-to-push-ahead-on-climate-pact-before-trump-takes-over-kerry/ar-AAke5tN?li=BBmkt5R&ocid=spartandhp  ?

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