[GWSG] Retained melt; forest solutions; variable winds; emissions bump; FL loves gas; info effect; FR hosts

Tilley, Al atilley at unf.edu
Tue Dec 12 09:56:30 EST 2017

1. As Greenland melts, some of the water is retained in porous ice, so that sea level rise projections based on meltwater alone are 21-58% too high.  https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2017/12/171208143021.htm

2. Forest conservation and restoration can have a significant impact on controlling greenhouse gas emissions. A new study highlights twenty natural climate solutions. https://news.mongabay.com/2017/12/heres-a-great-way-to-visualize-the-huge-potential-of-forest-conservation-and-restoration-as-natural-climate-solutions/

3. As the earth warms, wind power in the northern mid-latitudes, including the US, the Mediterranean, and the UK, will fall, diminishing wind power generation in the central US by 17%. Some coastal areas will see big increases in wind power. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2017/dec/11/global-warming-will-weaken-wind-power-study-predicts

4. Global carbon emissions are likely to increase 2% in 2017. Still, emissions are likely to plateau over the next few years as they have in the last three years. The rise this year is due mainly to China, which fell back on fossil fuel power after drought hit their hydroelectric supply. http://www.resilience.org/stories/2017-12-04/analysis-global-co2-emissions-set-to-rise-2-in-2017-after-three-year-plateau/

5. Florida gets .5% of its energy from solar, 66% from gas. The state regulators have never denied a request to build a natural gas power plant. https://www.publicintegrity.org/2017/12/11/21311/sunshine-state-lags-solar-power-doubles-down-natural-gas

6. Because highly educated conservatives are less likely to accept climate science than are less well educated conservatives, many assume that more information leads to more ideological rigidity. That does not appear to be true, at least for accurate information. A Yale survey found that supplying the single statement that "97% of climate scientists have concluded that human-caused global warming is happening" halves the difference between educated conservatives and educated liberals, bringing them both to over 80% agreement with the scientific consensus. http://mailchi.mp/yale/facts-help-neutralize-partisan-reasoning-on-climate-change?e=4dee1d8b35

7. France is hosting a meeting of fifty nations to mark the second anniversary of the Paris agreement. This log lists other current meetings and events concerning climate. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/europe/the-latest-climate-activists-protest-at-intl-climate-summit/2017/12/12/826f92a2-df1a-11e7-b2e9-8c636f076c76_story.html?utm_term=.2ea95c25af07

8. French President Emmanuel Macron has awarded three to five-year grants to eighteen climate scientists, thirteen from the US, in his Make the Planet Great Again program. The grants provide French residence for roughly Trump's term in office, assuming he completes a term. https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2017/12/11/570036260/macron-awards-u-s-climate-scientists-grants-to-make-our-planet-great-again ?

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