[GWSG] Citizen's assembly?; apt. power; 1.5C warning; Tucson heat; SLR at 2-4C; Higher Ground; solar and shrimp

Tilley, Al atilley at unf.edu
Sat Aug 31 10:16:05 EDT 2019

1. Britain’s Extinction Rebellion is calling for a citizens’ assembly to deal with the climate crisis. The randomly selected group would examine the situation and recommend a course of action, as was done to resolve abortion policy in Ireland. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2019/aug/28/climate-crisis-citizens-assembly-extinction-rebellion?utm_campaign=Carbon%20Brief%20Daily%20Briefing&utm_medium=email&utm_source=Revue%20newsletter

2. A 600-unit apartment complex in Salt Lake City will be furnished with solar cells and a battery in each apartment, controlled by the local utility to act as a virtual power plant. Thanks to Ed Brock for the story. https://www.fastcompany.com/90394337/in-this-new-solar-powered-apartment-complex-all-600-units-have-batteries-that-form-a-virtual-power-plant?partner=rss&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=rss+fastcompany&utm_content=rss

3. An IPCC draft warns of the impact of heating over 1.5C. https://phys.org/news/2019-08-seas-storm-surges-permafrost.html

4. As Tucson heats, people who work outdoors, the elderly, and the poor must skirt the increasing danger. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2019/aug/31/tucson-heat-inequality-summer

5. A study of sea levels when temperatures were 2-3C higher than the 1850s indicates as much as 16 meters of rise. This level of heat is likely to cause the complete dissolution of the Greenland and West Antarctic ice sheets. 4C of warming at a more distant period led to about 23.5 meters of rise. https://phys.org/news/2019-08-scientists-evidence-high-level-sea.html

6. Higher Ground is a coalition of flood survivors which lobbies and sues to bring local governments to take action—for example, by limiting development in threatened areas, by considering the impact of floodwater pumping on poorer areas, by ceasing to drain wetlands, and by implementing a program of managed retreat. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2019/aug/30/what-500000-americans-hit-by-floods-can-teach-us-about-fighting-climate-change
The Higher Ground site with a display of chapters: https://anthropocenealliance.org/higherground

7. A canopy of solar cells can improve conditions for a land-based shrimp farm. https://cleantechnica.com/2019/08/29/shrimp-fish-solar-a-recipe-for-success/?utm_source=CleanTechnica+News&utm_campaign=e79d4ee78f-Daily+Email+CAMPAIGN&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_b9b83ee7eb-e79d4ee78f-331994013

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