[GWSG] Climate degrading health; warning for 2050; personal vs. corp. responsibility; NE FL SLR meeting report

Tilley, Al atilley at unf.edu
Wed Jun 5 17:22:29 EDT 2019

1. An international study finds that the climate crisis is already seriously degrading human health, physical and mental, and is likely to cause increasing damage. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2019/jun/03/climate-crisis-seriously-damaging-human-health-report-finds
Climate crisis seriously damaging human health, report finds | Environment | The Guardian<https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2019/jun/03/climate-crisis-seriously-damaging-human-health-report-finds>
The report anticipates the spread of infectious diseases in Europe as temperatures rise and increase the range of mosquitoes that transmit dengue fever. Photograph: Ricardo Mazalan/AP A report by ...

2. A new Australian report warns that due to feedback loops ignored in past projections we are headed for calamitous warming by midcentury unless we take vigorous action. The issue has arisen before; see the link in the article to a critique of last October’s IPCC warning. James Hansen observed over a decade ago that projections are too conservative when they ignore positive feedbacks such as rapid methane release which can quickly ramp up heating. Thanks to Mary Ann Kidd for the article.  https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/597kpd/new-report-suggests-high-likelihood-of-human-civilization-coming-to-an-end-in-2050?utm_source=motherboardfbus&fbclid=IwAR2iRFkAPu_2G3RnVuuI0bY-PUUVX7BHd5LQrn3nz1BwwsqnQdfMbkeORFc
‘High Likelihood of Human Civilization Coming to an End’ in 2050, New Report Suggests<https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/597kpd/new-report-suggests-high-likelihood-of-human-civilization-coming-to-an-end-in-2050?utm_source=motherboardfbus&fbclid=IwAR2iRFkAPu_2G3RnVuuI0bY-PUUVX7BHd5LQrn3nz1BwwsqnQdfMbkeORFc>
The climate change analysis was written by a former fossil fuel executive and backed by the former chief of Australia's military.

3. We need to become conscious of the value of personal actions such as cutting meat consumption and avoiding flying (until we can electrify air travel). Even more, we need to force corporations to leave fossil fuels in the ground. We also are going to have to work at capturing and storing the carbon they have already released.  Corporations are quite willing that we ignore their programs while we work on our own carbon footprints. “We need to let go of the idea that it’s all of our individual faults, then take on the collective responsibility of holding the true culprits accountable. In other words, we need to become many Davids against one big, bad Goliath.”  https://climatecrocks.com/2019/06/05/its-not-your-fault-lets-get-real-in-assigning-blame-for-climate-change/
It’s Not Your Fault. Let’s Get Real in Assigning Blame for Climate Change | Climate Denial Crock of the Week<https://climatecrocks.com/2019/06/05/its-not-your-fault-lets-get-real-in-assigning-blame-for-climate-change/>
“The earth is not dying, it is being killed, and those who are killing it have names and addresses.” – U. Utah Phillips If you, and me, and 100,000 of our closest friends all stop eating meat, driving, flying, using the internet, and go live on nuts and berries in the woods – would that save ...

4. Local interest item for NE FL: Brian Paradise attended Sinking Cities: A Community Discussion at Jacksonville’s NPR station, WJCT, on June 4. Panelists were Ellen Glasser, Mayor of Atlantic Beach; Eric Olsen, Coastal Engineer & Member, Adaptation Action Area Working Group on Flooding; Elizabeth Payne, CEO, Northeast Florida Regional Council; Lisa Rinaman, St. Johns Riverkeeper; John Upton, Journalisms Partnerships Editor, Climate Central. Melissa Ross was facilitator. Brian sends info including the following items:
Attendance was standing room only.
There is synergy between the beaches communities to address coastal issues.
We have a slow-moving train wreck per the City Engineer of Atlantic Beach.
We now have a lot of nuisance flooding (flooding not related to hurricanes and storms).
The St. Johns River is 1’ higher than 100 years ago.
Much of Jacksonville’s drainage system is old and compromised. New pumping stations will be necessary to handle flooding.
There will be a symposium at Fletcher Auditorium on June 19 to address sea level rise at the beaches.
Atlantic Beach will be comprised partly of islands in the future: how shall we connect them?
We need to pay attention to tributaries of the St. Johns River.
We need rapid decarbonization.
We need more collaboration between agencies.
We should not dredge the St. Johns River.
The mental health of the community has been impacted by climate change.
Which people are most at risk from sea level rise?
To where will displaced people move?
Grant money is available for vulnerability studies.
WJCT will soon debut a URL named “adaptflorida.org”.
Finally, the Northeast Florida Regional Council and NatureServe did a Coastal Resilience Assessment of the St. John River Watershed which will be available online June 10th at http://www.buildcommunityresilience.com/NortheastFlorida  Thanks to Brian for his report.

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