[GWSG] Indigo AG CCS; C price up in EU; CCS illusions; Arctic heat; leads to methane, leads to more heat, etc.

Tilley, Al atilley at unf.edu
Fri Jun 14 07:47:04 EDT 2019

1. Such agricultural practices as no-till farming, using cover crops, and crop rotation can result in significant carbon sequestration. Start-up Indigo AG in Boston is monetizing the practices, with cash rewards for carbon-capturing farmers. Thanks to Tom Larson for the lead. https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2019/06/12/new-plan-remove-trillion-tons-carbon-dioxide-atmosphere-bury-it/?utm_term=.9fac5b439b75
The new plan to remove a trillion tons of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere: Bury it - The Washington Post<https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2019/06/12/new-plan-remove-trillion-tons-carbon-dioxide-atmosphere-bury-it/?utm_term=.9fac5b439b75>
Last month, carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere surpassed 415 parts per million, the highest in human history.Environmental experts say the world is increasingly on a path toward a climate crisis.

2. The rapidly rising price of carbon on the EU market is good news for Indigo AG and bad news for coal merchants. https://www.greentechmedia.com/articles/read/europes-surging-carbon-price-helping-to-silence-coal-plants?utm_medium=email&utm_source=Daily&utm_campaign=GTMDaily#gs.iptdno
Europe's Surging Carbon Price Is Helping to Speed the Demise of Coal Plants | Greentech Media<https://www.greentechmedia.com/articles/read/europes-surging-carbon-price-helping-to-silence-coal-plants?utm_medium=email&utm_source=Daily&utm_campaign=GTMDaily#gs.iptdno>
The French financial giant Crédit Agricole this month gave its coal clients a 2021 deadline for submitting plans on how they will close all plants and mines by 2030.

3. A series on carbon capture and sequestration in Clean Technica found that little C is actually being captured by any method anywhere so far. The major claimed exception has been the Norwegian methane plant in the North Sea which captures carbon and sequesters it beneath the sea floor. It is releasing twenty-five times more carbon than it captures. The C they do capture is from CO2, a pollutant of the methane which they must remove before they can sell it. Sleipner can claim neither virtue nor CCS efficiency.  https://cleantechnica.com/2019/06/12/best-carbon-capture-facility-in-world-emits-25-times-more-co2-than-sequestered/?utm_source=CleanTechnica+News&utm_campaign=4c55322f07-Daily+Email+CAMPAIGN&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_b9b83ee7eb-4c55322f07-331994013
Best Carbon Capture Facility In World Emits 25 Times More CO2 Than Sequestered | CleanTechnica<https://cleantechnica.com/2019/06/12/best-carbon-capture-facility-in-world-emits-25-times-more-co2-than-sequestered/?utm_source=CleanTechnica+News&utm_campaign=4c55322f07-Daily+Email+CAMPAIGN&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_b9b83ee7eb-4c55322f07-331994013>
The best carbon capture site in the world creates 25 times more CO2 from natural gas than was sequestered. And is paid for the gas and the sequestered CO2.

4.  Alaska is heating twice as fast as the rest of the US. The melting permafrost is turning the foundation of roads and buildings liquid and yielding up methane to the atmosphere. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2019/jun/13/climate-crisis-alaska-is-melting-and-its-likely-to-accelerate-global-heating
Climate crisis: Alaska is melting and it’s likely to accelerate global heating | Environment | The Guardian<https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2019/jun/13/climate-crisis-alaska-is-melting-and-its-likely-to-accelerate-global-heating>
A city in western Alaska has lost a huge stretch of riverbank to erosion that may turn it into an island, amid renewed warnings from scientists over the havoc triggered by the accelerating melting ...

5. About ten years ago a common informed opinion was that unless we reduced emissions quickly we could set off a positive feedback from melting permafrost and clathrates in the Arctic that would produce warming growing beyond our control. More recently, careful estimates indicated that runaway heating is unlikely, and that carbon from melting permafrost and clathrates was likely to add about 10% to manmade heating. Now reanalysis, and a growing knowledge of the melted Arctic landscape called thermokarst, indicates rapid, but not runaway, heating which would add about half again to the estimated amount of 10%—that is, 15% over manmade heating, unless the 10% estimate itself is too low, as may well be the case. The models yield figures for the heat contributions of melting Arctic permafrost which run from a small negative impact (because of the C fixed by the new vegetation) to 30%. Peter Sinclair supplies a useful discussion of the new findings and a history of the issue. Indications are that we have not yet lost hope of preserving a livable earth, but the battle is more urgent that we supposed.   https://climatecrocks.com/2019/06/13/new-process-might-mean-faster-permafrost-melt/
Video: New Process Might Mean Faster Permafrost Melt<https://climatecrocks.com/2019/06/13/new-process-might-mean-faster-permafrost-melt/>
A few months ago, I posted a piece, based on interviews with leading permafrost experts, that pushed back, hard, on the “we’re all gonna die and there’s nothing we can do” c…

For general information on Arctic methane emissions, the Wikipedia article is a good place to start, though it of course lacks the latest findings on thermokarst. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arctic_methane_emissions
Arctic methane emissions - Wikipedia<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arctic_methane_emissions>
Arctic methane release is the release of methane from seas and soils in permafrost regions of the Arctic.While it is a long-term natural process, methane release is exacerbated by global warming.This results in negative effects, as methane is itself a powerful greenhouse gas.. The Arctic region is one of the many natural sources of the greenhouse gas methane.

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