[GWSG] Solar water panels; FL's water supply; and elsewhere; EU's spending plans; risks for Davos; plane emissions; plant-based disruption

Tilley, Al atilley at unf.edu
Wed Jan 15 09:16:23 EST 2020

1. An Arizona start-up is selling roof panels which draw water from the air. They are solar powered. A panel costs $2500; they begin delivering next summer. Thanks to Hank Williams for the news. https://www.designboom.com/technology/hydropanels-water-air-roofs-wells-zero-mass-water-ces-01-13-2020/

The output depends on local conditions. The figures are based on a two-panel array. https://www.zeromasswater.com/rexi/source/

Zero Mass founder Cody Friesen discusses the development of their Rexi Hydropanels in a 38 minute interview. I imagine coupling the panels with a cistern for washing and gardening.  https://cleantechnica.com/2020/01/14/zero-mass-water-shrinks-its-panels-cleantech-talk-with-founder-cody-friesen/?utm_source=CleanTechnica+News&utm_campaign=3bb1e48b20-Daily+Email+CAMPAIGN&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_b9b83ee7eb-3bb1e48b20-331994013

2. The Price of Sprawl’s judgments on Florida’s water supply carried in the last news list are based on statements by the water management districts. “Our data are as of 2010.  Out of date?  Nope because our water supply has only gotten worse because of continued issuance of consumptive use permits and low rainfall.” Thanks to NE FL Sierra Club chair Janet Stanko for the information. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1iKb7qDxT1N5HG6MmqVjj_DJaEgSqb6Q7O8rjnhtFTNE/edit

3. We obviously need to begin dealing with our water crisis (not that CA and other regions have not been working hard for years). Comments the FL water managers on this list are able to make would be welcome; this is a discussion we need to have in this state but are not. Other parts of the country are having similar problems. The Ogallala  aquifer and the CA aquifers are famously in difficulty. A search of this NOAA site for aquifers will yield others.


4. The European Union has announced a ten-year plan to spend a trillion euros to avoid a climate crash. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-eu-climate/eu-unveils-plan-for-climate-cash-to-avoid-climate-crash-idUSKBN1ZD00H?feedName=environmentNews&feedType=RSS&utm_campaign=Carbon%20Brief%20Daily%20Briefing&utm_medium=email&utm_source=Revue%20newsletter

5. The World Economic Forum now lists environmental problems as the source of the top five economic risks. “We have only a very small window and if we don’t use that window in the next 10 years we will be moving around the deckchairs on the Titanic.” The report is preparation for next week’s meeting in Davos. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2020/jan/15/climate-crisis-environment-top-five-places-world-economic-forum-risks-report?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_Gmail

6. Aviation emissions are a tough problem due to become tougher as air travel increases globally. https://phys.org/news/2020-01-smarter-solution-shaming-people-wont.html

7. A UN-linked organization is warning investors that a major shift to plant-based food as part of the low carbon transition will bring disruption in the near future. https://vegconomist.com/hot-off-the-vegan-press/un-report-warns-investors-to-prepare-for-major-shift-to-plant-based-global-food-system/

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