[GWSG] Losing history; coming disruptions; coming jobs; Aegean gas; climate risks; peak gas

Tilley, Al atilley at unf.edu
Sat Oct 31 11:08:26 EDT 2020

1. St. Augustine, FL, faces special problems from sea level rise. The city’s primary resource and the source of its livelihood is its history, visible in its fort and other buildings from the 18th and 19th centuries. Many of those features cannot be relocated. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/oct/28/st-augustine-florida-floods-climate-crisis
Coastal neighborhoods will all need to cope with a traumatic loss of the past to some degree.

2. Solar, wind, and battery costs continue to fall. Cheaper and more abundant energy will drive fossil fuels and nuclear power out of the market, but the disruptions are likely to include new applications, and even new industries. https://cleantechnica.com/2020/10/28/tremendously-cheap-solar-wind-batteries-to-transform-society-rethinkx-forecasts/

3. At the end of 2019, 3.3 million US workers were employed by clean energy enterprises. Their wages were about a quarter higher than national median. Millions more workers will join them. A link to the full report is at the end of this CleanTech summary.  https://cleantechnica.com/2020/10/28/cleantech-creates-higher-paying-jobs-millions-of-them/

4. An enormous gas field under the Aegean Sea has led to a conflict between Turkey and Greece, who both want to develop it. Global Witness calls for an agreement that no one will. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2020/oct/30/scrap-gas-pipeline-eastern-med-due-climate-cost-report-turkey-greece

5. A subcommittee of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission has completed a study of the economic risks of climate change. They concluded that it imperils the economic system.  (While that is hardly startling, such studies typically content themselves with projecting a certain percentage drop in the GNP.) One recommendation of the study is to add the cost of climate damage to the price of fossil fuels.   https://theconversation.com/most-surprising-thing-about-a-new-report-showing-climate-change-imperils-the-us-financial-system-is-that-the-report-even-exists-146961?utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Daily%20Newsletter%20%20October%2030%202020%20-%201772817195&utm_content=Daily%20Newsletter%20%20October%2030%202020%20-%201772817195+CID_e634fe0400afa019729e45af67c399fc&utm_source=campaign_monitor_us&utm_term=Most%20surprising%20thing%20about%20a%20new%20report%20showing%20climate%20change%20imperils%20the%20US%20financial%20system%20is%20that%20the%20report%20even%20exists

6. Gas power appears to be at or near its peak in the US. Renewables are rising to surpass gas power generation about 2028. The six-minute video from Yale Climate Connections is worth watching.  https://climatecrocks.com/2020/10/30/has-fossil-gas-peaked/

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