[GWSG] Climate nuisance; melt rate; excess solar; EU power; Biden's leverage; Biden's diplomacy; Biden's strategy; Biden's climate day

Tilley, Al atilley at unf.edu
Wed Jan 27 08:24:49 EST 2021

1. If you understood the climate crisis well and tried to both communicate and live in accordance with your knowledge, might you become a nuisance to everyone around you without really doing much good? A case history: The Climate Crisis Is Worse Than You Can Imagine. Here’s What Happens If You Try. https://www.propublica.org/article/the-climate-crisis-is-worse-than-you-can-imagine-heres-what-happens-if-you-try

2.  A comprehensive study of global ice loss 1994-2017 finds that melting has accelerated by 65% in the period, with implications for sea level rise and loss of water to grow food. The rate of loss is now in the range of the worst case scenarios of the IPCC, and accelerating. https://phys.org/news/2021-01-global-ice-loss.html

3. Solar power is becoming so cheap that we might consider overbuilding solar to alleviate some of the need for storage.  https://climatecrocks.com/2021/01/24/look-out-below-solar-prices-to-fall-further/

4. In 2020, for the first time more power was produced renewably in Europe than from fossil fuels. Renewables accounted for 38% of total generation. https://www.theverge.com/2021/1/25/22248992/renewable-energy-beats-fossil-fuels-europe-electricity

5. The New York Times assesses the surprising support for and the daunting roadblocks to Biden’s ambitious climate initiatives. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/the-battle-lines-are-forming-in-biden-s-climate-push/ar-BB1d7sZe?ocid=msedgdhp

6. President Biden’s imminent policy initiatives will involve a comprehensive alteration to the US position among nations. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/27/climate/climate-change-biden-kerry.html

7. Political scientist Leigh Raymond addresses the strategy of emphasizing environmental justice and the regional economic gains of climate policies. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/biden-e2-80-99s-climate-change-plan-is-all-about-jobs-and-justice/ar-BB1d8AvW

8. Today is Biden’s climate policy day. The Guardian supplies live coverage of the action. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/live/2021/jan/27/joe-biden-donald-trump-impeachment-covid-coronavirus-climate-crisis-executive-orders-live-updates

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