[GWSG] Plankton problem; new health office; moving plans; 2 tipping points; media ignore climate; dwindling gas

Tilley, Al atilley at unf.edu
Fri Sep 3 07:52:06 EDT 2021

1. We depend on life forms in oceanic surface waters for oxygen production and carbon sequestration. They form the base of the oceans’ food chain. Surface conditions to support them were stable throughout the 20th century but are in decline now, and are projected to decline further. How much depends on our control of emissions.  https://phys.org/news/2021-08-ocean-surface-climates.html

2. The Biden administration is establishing a Office of Climate Change and Health Equity to address the impact of the climate crisis on health, with a particular focus on poor communities. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/08/30/climate/biden-climate-change-health-equity.html?utm_campaign=Carbon%20Brief%20Daily%20Briefing&utm_content=20210831&utm_medium=email&utm_source=Revue%20Daily

3. In the US last year 1.7 million people were relocated by a disaster. The effects of the climate crisis are likely to increase the number, and many will be forced out of their homes never to return. For example, if the AMOC flips to a weaker circulation mode millions of East Coast people will be forced from their homes by the instant sea level rise. We should be planning for that. The Biden administration is making a beginning, and some communities are making their own plans.  https://www.nytimes.com/2021/08/31/opinion/when-climate-change-comes-to-your-doorstep.html?campaign_id=2&emc=edit_th_20210901&instance_id=39279&nl=todaysheadlines&regi_id=43628374&segment_id=67743&user_id=8c547d53af6ff6fc7d49cb8612c07102

4. 55 million years ago volcanic activity set off a climate crisis which lasted for around 150,000 years. It appears that the volcanoes drove temperatures past tipping points for melting permafrost and seabed clathrates which strengthened the heating through massive releases of methane. We are teasing these dragons.  https://phys.org/news/2021-08-earth-triggered-rapid-climate-million.html?utm_source=nwletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=daily-nwletter

5. Of the 774 stories about Hurricane Ida on the major commercial US networks August 27-30, only 34 mentioned climate change. “This amounts to nothing less than media malpractice.” https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2021/sep/02/us-media-hurricane-ida-climate-change

6. Christiana Figueres sees signs that commercial gas is following coal into the past. Thanks to Patrick Parenteau for the story. https://www.scmp.com/comment/opinion/article/3146479/gas-coal-has-no-future-world-wakes-climate-emergency?utm_campaign=HOT%20NEWS%20September%202%202021&utm_medium=email&_hsmi=155162455&_hsenc=p2ANqtz--JgbLnQc_h_8hwNHLwxOb0D5bBn6xOmQwMvKDuGwSkHp3WRRJJQc778xy07pAW9QQ42GbRYIV2SIoQFeLHqALl8WujFfgRJaFbSkU7-QhsMOlXe7I&utm_content=155162455&utm_source=hs_email

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