[GWSG] Al Gore's thoughts; uses of disaster; less C from Indonesia; econ progress at COP 27; 8 billion of us; biofuel for air industry

Tilley, Al atilley at unf.edu
Tue Nov 15 10:55:32 EST 2022

1. In a 7-minute interview, Al Gore assesses the election’s climate implications and discusses COP 27 and China’s likely role in the climate battle.  https://climatecrocks.com/2022/11/09/al-gore-on-us-election-implications/

2. We are living in an age of disasters. Each, though, brings the possibility of beginning freshly (at least for the survivors). The NY Times Magazine is devoting an issue to the transformations, even the uses of disaster. “Learning to live with constant disaster means more than preparing an emergency kit and practicing where to brace when the tremors hit. It means considering how to steer the vast transformations that disaster makes both necessary and possible. It means rebuilding and reimagining at once — acknowledging our wounds and still fashioning new visions not just of who we are, or were, but of who we could be.”  https://www.nytimes.com/2022/11/10/magazine/natural-disaster-rebuild.html?campaign_id=52&emc=edit_ma_20221111&instance_id=77256&nl=the-new-york-times-magazine&regi_id=43628374&segment_id=112839&te=1&user_id=8c547d53af6ff6fc7d49cb8612c07102

3. The US and Japan are leading a coalition supplying $20 billion in financing to help Indonesia shut coal plants and develop renewable energy, “probably the single largest climate finance transaction or partnership ever.” The COP 27 project was inspired by COP 26’s $8.5b partnership of the US, Britain, and the EU to help South Africa decarbonize. The article links to other COP 27 developments.  https://www.reuters.com/business/cop/us-japan-partners-mobilise-20-bln-move-indonesia-away-coal-power-2022-11-15/?utm_campaign=Carbon%20Brief%20Daily%20Briefing&utm_content=20221115&utm_medium=email&utm_source=Revue%20Daily

4. A finance prof from Tufts describes four signs of economic progress at COP 27. The article was written before the partnership of the previous item was announced—now there are five signs of progress. https://theconversation.com/4-signs-of-progress-at-the-un-climate-change-summit-194345

5. Eight billion people now share the earth. The Sierra Club, among others, has concluded that population in itself is not the central issue. What matters most, at least for climate, is overconsumption and the use of fossil fuels. Population growth is slowing and expected to peak this century; the elimination of fossil fuel use requires more urgent attention.  https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/earth-at-8-billion-consumption-not-crowd-is-key-to-climate/2022/11/15/64075154-64b4-11ed-b08c-3ce222607059_story.html

6. A study at Arizona State found that biofuels can lead to decarbonization of the aviation industry. https://phys.org/news/2022-11-full-decarbonization-aviation-sector-grasp.html

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