[GWSG] H's heating potential; TX org. fights renewables; Doughnut Economics applied; EU fossils place second; in China, too

Tilley, Al atilley at unf.edu
Tue Jun 13 07:48:30 EDT 2023

1. The global warming potential of hydrogen is 11.6 times that of carbon dioxide. Fossil fuels damage the environment through both leakage and combustion; H’s damage comes through leakage alone. It leaks much more readily than methane. While not a greenhouse gas, H reacts to increase the potential of greenhouse gases such as methane and water vapor.  https://phys.org/news/2023-06-global-potential-hydrogen.html
SeaChange produces H as a byproduct of electrolysis. It could be used to provide half the energy for future electrolysis before it has a chance to leak (with the balance of the energy to run the process coming from solar plus storage).

2. More than 40% of Texas energy was generated by renewables last year; the state provides over a quarter of the nation’s wind power. The Texas Public Policy Foundation is fighting that, with some success, using propaganda (wind turbines kill whales, e.g.) and legislative sabotage (backup power must come from fossil fuels). Most of the funding comes from the Koch foundation along with other fossil fuel interests, so far as publicly available records indicate. They are working to handicap or eliminate renewable energy initiatives in other states as well. The work of the TPPF is reminiscent of the Council for National Policy, ALEC, and other groups which deserve the credit for the strange mixture of manipulated religion, antidemocratic insurrection, nurtured ignorance, and unrestrained greed now distorting our political and judicial systems in service of fossil fuels.   https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/jun/08/rightwing-backlash-reverse-clean-energy-success-texas

3. British economist Kate Raworth’s 2017 book Doughnut Economics has inspired communities working to embody her three principles: “the economy should distribute wealth fairly, regenerate the resources that it uses, and allow people to prosper. None of this, Raworth argues, should depend on economic growth.” https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/jun/08/the-planets-economist-has-kate-raworth-found-a-model-for-sustainable-living

4. Last month, for the first time, renewables are producing more power in the EU than are fossil fuels. https://cleantechnica.com/2023/06/11/crossover-solar-wind-power-producing-more-electricity-than-fossil-fuels-in-eu/

5. Non-fossil fuel sources provided more than half of China’s power capacity last month. (The Google Translate version of the Xinhua article is entertaining but takes a little active imagination to be understood. You will be rewarded with a sketch of China’s energy policy and its four guidelines.) http://www.news.cn/energy/20230612/1e7e5e22fcaf4da4ab68f82923f078e3/c.html?utm_source=cbnewsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_term=2023-06-13&utm_campaign=Daily+Briefing+13+06+2023

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