[GWSG] SLR triples since 2011; need predictions (or apology); SkS info list; need net 0 by 2040; fastest in 50 my

Tilley, Al atilley at unf.edu
Mon Apr 17 14:13:49 EDT 2017

1.  Sea level rise has tripled since 2011. However, the underlying long-term rise is difficult to calculate precisely. The balance of precipitation between oceans and land is one complicating factor. Finally, we may always have to wait for a careful analysis to find out exactly how much the sea is really rising at any given time, though general trends may be defined.  https://skepticalscience.com/Earth-Encounters-Giant-Speed-Bump-on-the-Road-to-Higher-Sea-Level.html

2.  Even though the exact recent rate of slr has not been calculated, the five-year unadjusted tripling rate is out of scale with normal variation. We need a revised estimate of sea level rise to aid planning. Unrealistically low estimates keep surfacing. For example: https://phys.org/news/2017-04-climate-experts-latest-science-sea.html Margaret Davidson, warning risk managers of the insurance industry a year ago to expect about three meters of rise by midcentury, said that the NOAA projections would be adjusted in coming years.  It is time for NOAA's senior leader for coastal inundation and resilience science and services to keep her word and give us the revised projections (or retract her warning and give us a good explanation for such a whopping mistake). Her warning: http://www.insurancejournal.com/news/national/2016/04/12/405089.htm

3.  You probably already know that Skeptical Science is a great place to send propagandized friends (they can look up analyses of the usual nonsense memes listed at the top left of the web page), or for climate info generally. They put out a weekly news roundup.  https://skepticalscience.com/2017-SkS-Weekly-News-Roundup_15.html

4.  An Austrian study finds that to limit warming to 1.5C we must achieve net zero emissions by 2040. That requires an energetic program to capture and sequester carbon. https://insideclimatenews.org/news/13042017/paris-climate-agreement-greenhouse-gas-emissions-global-warming?utm_source=Inside+Climate+News&utm_campaign=9dd147715e-Weekly+Newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_29c928ffb5-9dd147715e-326454481

5.  A study in Nature Communications of the impact of atmospheric CO2 on climate in the past 420 million years finds that we are at the point of causing the fastest climate change in the last fifty million years, and, if we burn all the fossil fuels now available, for the entire period.   https://www.theguardian.com/environment/climate-consensus-97-per-cent/2017/apr/17/humans-on-the-verge-of-causing-earths-fastest-climate-change-in-50m-years  ?

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