[GWSG] Where to go?; NAM court lobby; refugee rights; clouds no help; worse models better; China's cap and trade

Tilley, Al atilley at unf.edu
Tue Dec 19 09:08:56 EST 2017

1. The U of Georgia's Matthew Hauer is studying where people are likely to go when they need to retreat from rising waters: close by, with as much of their kin and social network as they can preserve, and motivated economically. https://www.yaleclimateconnections.org/2017/12/where-americans-will-move-as-seas-rise/ For further details from Hauer, follow the link As Sea Levels Rise, Where Will All the People Go? at the bottom of the page. There's also a link to his Nature article.

2. The National Association of Manufacturers has established the Manufacturers Accountability Project to campaign against attempts to win climate liability cases. https://www.climateliabilitynews.org/2017/12/15/nam-climate-liability-industry/ Climate Liability News is new to me and welcome. Significant features of the energy transition, and of our adaptation as a sustainable society, will be guided by the courts as the status quo is challenged.

3. Climate refugees now have no international legal status or protections. "The scale of this challenge is unlike anything humanity has ever faced." https://theconversation.com/climate-change-will-displace-millions-in-coming-decades-nations-should-prepare-now-to-help-them-89274?utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Latest%20from%20The%20Conversation%20for%20December%2018%202017%20-%2090617663&utm_content=Latest%20from%20The%20Conversation%20for%20December%2018%202017%20-%2090617663+CID_625787d95e9ed7f3358fefbd237d21e6&utm_source=campaign_monitor_us&utm_term=Climate%20change%20will%20displace%20millions%20in%20coming%20decades%20Nations%20should%20prepare%20now%20to%20help%20them

4. Several studies have concluded that, on balance, clouds act to amplify global warming, contradicting a familiar climate denier claim. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/climate-consensus-97-per-cent/2017/dec/18/scientists-have-beaten-down-the-best-climate-denial-argument

5. In a three-minute interview based on his paper, Patrick Brown describes why the models which predict more than average global warming are probably the most accurate. https://climatecrocks.com/2017/12/18/most-accurate-models-predict-highest-climate-warming/

6. China has launched their national carbon trading system, joining the provincial markets established in the last few years. The system begins with power generation and will expand to cover most of the economy. The initial target of peaking emissions by 2030 is expected to be beaten by several years. The emissions allocations and effective carbon price should emerge in the coming year. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2017/dec/19/china-aims-to-drastically-cut-greenhouse-gas-emissions-through-trading-scheme ?

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