[GWSG] G20 fossil subsidies; solar jobs up; Republican obstruction; Germany at 35%; Volvos to be electric; ex-permafrost

Tilley, Al atilley at unf.edu
Wed Jul 5 21:02:17 EDT 2017

1.  Despite resolutions to the contrary, the G20 nations provide four times more subsidies for fossil fuels than for renewables.  Japan and China are the worst offenders.  https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/jul/05/g20-public-finance-for-fossil-fuels-is-four-times-more-than-renewables

2.  Employment in the US solar industry grew 25% last year.  Solar now employs 43% of the electricity generation workforce, almost twice as many as oil, gas, and coal combined.  http://www.therenewableworld.com/2017/07/solar-energy-employs-more-people-in-us.html

3.  The US Republican Party's obstruction of climate action is "unscientific, fails basic risk management, is bad for the economy, and immoral."  https://www.theguardian.com/environment/climate-consensus-97-per-cent/2017/jul/05/why-the-republican-partys-climate-policy-obstruction-is-indefensible

4.  Germany has met its 2020 target of generating 35% of its electricity renewably.  https://cleantechnica.com/2017/07/04/germany-generated-35-electricity-renewables-first-half-2017/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+IM-cleantechnica+%28CleanTechnica%29

5.  After 2019 all Volvos will be hybrid or entirely electric.  Volvo plans five new models of EVs.  https://www.theguardian.com/business/2017/jul/05/volvo-cars-electric-hybrid-2019

6.  Some explosions in Siberia seem to come from the methane released by thawing permafrost.  The videotaped interview with NASA's Charles Miller is a reminder that a positive feedback-more heat means more methane which means more heat, etc.-could be a condition beyond our control.  Oxford's Anton Vaks reports in the video his estimate that the situation could become unmanageable at 1.5C of warming, though our success at limiting emissions will influence the pace of methane release.  https://www.dailykos.com/story/2017/7/4/1677706/-Two-gaping-holes-recently-emerged-in-Siberia-accompanied-by-explosions-with-billowing-smoke-and-fire?detail=emaildkre  ?

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