[GWSG] NOAA's sea level rise projections; Ikea's neighborhood vegetable garden

Tilley, Al atilley at unf.edu
Fri Jul 21 20:18:01 EDT 2017

?1. Sea level rise in Florida is now about three inches a decade.  New NOAA mid-range projections are up to 17 inches by 2030, 5.5 feet by 2070, and 10.5 feet by 2100.  Coastal flooding will continue to increase.  As the ground water level rises, the ground will saturate more quickly, and floods will recede more slowly.  http://www.mcclatchydc.com/news/politics-government/national-politics/article162804448.html

You may remember that NOAA's Senior Scientist for Coastal Inundation and Resilience Planning Margaret Davidson warned 10,000 insurance industry professionals in April 2016 at a Texas RIMS conference that we could get three meters of sea level rise by 2050-60, and that our chief negotiator at the Marrakech conference last October, John Pershing, warned the 194 nations in attendance of the possibility of a two meter rise by 2050.   We have been waiting for figures from NOAA consistent with these possibilities, and the figures in the story fit the profile.

Notice that the high range of projections is not reported but that hints are given of the results of polar ice sheet disintegration.  NOAA has not yet posted its new projections so far as I can find, but the figures reported are enough to indicate the urgency of planning, and not just for coastal communities.  They imply that evacuation is looming for S FL and other low-lying areas as infrastructure fails.  A few more inches will do in S FL's drainage, and a further few will compromise their water supply.

We must plan for six million climate refugees from S FL alone within the next ten years.  These are problems many around the world will share.  The new projections indicate a global state of emergency.  We must reduce emissions vigorously even as we plan for physical and economic dislocations.  Every community in the world should be undertaking a vulnerability study and formulating an emissions control plan.

2.  Ikea, the Swedish furniture etc. company, has designed The Growroom, a spherical garden which can supply a neighborhood with vegetables.  It requires 17 sheets of plywood and the usual Ikea assembly skills.  The plans are free.  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/growroom-ikea-garden_us_58a63e74e4b037d17d2654a4  ?

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