[GWSG] C budget shrinks; Drawdown, 2nd look; 9" in 10 years; S FL's drainage; Petermann Glacier unstable

Tilley, Al atilley at unf.edu
Thu Jul 27 09:23:52 EDT 2017

1. Calculations of how much carbon we can add to the atmosphere and remain beneath a target degree of warming, 1.5C or 2C, depend on the starting date for the warming.  Conventionally we have used 1860, but our production of excess carbon goes back further, and if the warming since, say, 1750 is included, we have even less of a carbon budget, and less time, than we thought.  https://www.theguardian.com/environment/climate-consensus-97-per-cent/2017/jul/24/study-our-paris-carbon-budget-may-be-40-smaller-than-thought

2.  Paul Hawken's book Drawdown: The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming lists 100 measures. The first eighty, ranked by the amount of carbon they promise to sequester or avoid between 2020 and 2050, are already in progress. The following twenty are proposed. In this interview Hawken discusses the top programs, led by refrigerant management. If you combine numbers six and seven, education of women and family planning, they outperform refrigerants. The key concept is regenerative development.  http://e360.yale.edu/features/paul-hawken-on-one-hundred-solutions-to-the-climate-crisis  Drawdown is available on Kindle or paperback for under $20, in case you missed it the last time I featured it.  Drawdown is carefully researched, up-to-date, lavishly illustrated, and most readable.  The format is two pages of profile and potentials of each of the measures.  The solutions add up to a generally improved way of life (for those who survive the transition).  "Global warming is happening for us."  https://smile.amazon.com/Drawdown-Comprehensive-Proposed-Reverse-Warming/dp/0143130447/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1501077829&sr=8-1&keywords=drawdown

3.  NOAA warns that Florida is in for about nine inches of sea level rise in the next ten years, which will multiply coastal flooding 25 times.  https://www.news4jax.com/news/rising-tides-could-displace-more-than-1-million-in-florida-noaa-says

4.  Nine inches of sea level rise is enough to compromise over 2/3 of South Florida's drainage. Here is the 2011 drainage report from Florida Atlantic U, figure 6, page 7.    http://www.ces.fau.edu/publications/pdfs/se-florida-resilient-water-fau2011.pdf

The Insurance Journal discusses the growing drainage problem in Florida.  http://www.insurancejournal.com/news/southeast/2017/07/26/458874.htm

5.  Petermann Glacier in northern Greenland appears to be destabilizing.  http://grist.org/briefly/a-major-glacier-in-greenland-might-be-destabilizing/  ?

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