[GWSG] US transitions; CA 67% renewable; nukes fade?; Volvo to EVs; EVs in 8?; NY regs CH4; inspiring change; seed vault floods

Tilley, Al atilley at unf.edu
Sat May 20 09:39:44 EDT 2017

1.  Peter Sinclair has assembled several stories of US transitions to renewable energy, with and without the support of utilities. Iowa's largest utility is moving toward 90% wind power and has agreed to freeze rates at least through 2029. In CA over 25% of retail power will be provided outside of investor-owned utilities this year, possibly headed for over 85% by the mid-2020s.   https://climatecrocks.com/2017/05/18/as-climate-deniers-block-federal-action-new-energy-booms-in-states/

2.  On a recent weekend 67% of California's power came from renewables (excluding large hydropower), and another 13.5% from large hydro. The figures are from the California Independent System Operator, which controls 80% of the state's power grid. The percentages will fluctuate, but we now know that CA's grid will handle a high percentage of renewable power.  http://www.climateactionprogramme.org/news/67-of-californias-power-came-from-renewables-last-saturday?utm_source=Feeds&utm_campaign=News&utm_medium=rss

3.  The era of nuclear power seems to be coming to an end (except in China).   http://e360.yale.edu/features/industry-meltdown-is-era-of-nuclear-power-coming-to-an-end

4.  Inspired by Tesla and spurred by European NOx regulations, Volvo will cease producing diesel engines and move into electric motors.  https://arstechnica.com/cars/2017/05/volvo-says-no-more-diesel-engines-the-future-is-electric/

5.  Electric vehicles which have an expected lifespan of a million miles and cost little to maintain and operate could drive fossil-fuelled autos off the market in eight years, according to a Stanford study.  It will become increasingly hard for the fossil fleet to find gas or mechanical support.  http://inhabitat.com/stanford-study-says-fossil-fueled-cars-will-vanish-in-8-years-as-big-oil-collapses/?utm_source=Inhabitat+Weekly+Mailing+List&utm_campaign=c1cc905719-&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_edda39917e-c1cc905719-207513645

6.  As Trump, who continues as president, dismantles emissions controls, New York State is instituting their own regulation of methane emissions. New York is a member of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative.  https://thinkprogress.org/methane-new-york-plan-83706b89be3c

7.  To inspire people to act on climate we need to highlight challenges they face now and in the immediate future, and to show them ways they can be part of general movements of change.  https://www.theguardian.com/environment/climate-consensus-97-per-cent/2017/may/19/study-inspiring-action-on-climate-change-is-more-complex-than-you-might-think  I believe that sustainable communities could have a great impact on attitudes in their areas. They can show how we could move toward a future worth inhabiting.

8.  The Norwegian Arctic vault meant to protect world seed stocks from all disasters had not been designed to withstand the melting of the Arctic which recently flooded, then iced the entrance tunnel.  No seeds were lost, but they were threatened, and safeguards are in process.  We need a livelier imagination of the mischief we are doing.  Thanks to Sylvia Gortz for the story.  https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2017/may/19/arctic-stronghold-of-worlds-seeds-flooded-after-permafrost-melts?CMP=share_btn_link  ?

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