[GWSG] OMG maps; C in soil; C out of soil; CH4 release trumped; oceans imperiled; ocean farming; pledges for oceans; new plastic

Tilley, Al atilley at unf.edu
Mon Oct 9 07:10:27 EDT 2017

1. Using data from NASA's Oceans Melting Greenland (OMG) study, two new maps of Greenland show that it is much more susceptible to melting from warm ocean waters than we had thought. New sea level rise estimates will follow to take the findings into account. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/energy-environment/wp/2017/10/04/scientists-mapping-greenland-have-produced-some-surprising-and-worrying-results/?utm_term=.1a947c7d1d8e

2. Two Stanford studies find that soil management has the potential to sequester much more carbon than had been supposed. The side effects of improved management would include increased and more resilient food production. http://news.stanford.edu/2017/10/05/soil-holds-potential-slow-global-warming/

3. A 26-year study of carbon release from soil heated 5C indicates the possibility of a positive feedback. More carbon is released than anticipated. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2017/oct/05/carbon-emissions-warming-soils-higher-than-estimated-signalling-tipping-points

4. A federal judge has ordered the Trump administration to restore a requirement that corporations engaged in oil and gas mining on federal land control methane emissions from their operations. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/oct/05/court-orders-trump-administration-reinstate-obama-emissions-rule

5. Preventing mass extinctions in the oceans will require firmer action than the Paris agreement. http://mailchi.mp/climatenewsnetwork/high-marine-extinction-risk-by-2100?e=ea792e87f2

6. Restorative ocean farming uses kelp to mitigate acidification locally, to sequester nitrogen, and to provide a nursery for sea food-especially oysters, mussels, and scallops. "In an era of climate change, you could set aside the entirety of the world's oceans in preserves and they are still going to die. What we really need is engines of restoration within our conservation zones."    http://e360.yale.edu/features/new_breed_of_ocean_farmer_aims_to_revive_global_seas

7. Public and private groups from 112 countries made $7 billion in pledges for action on problems with the oceans. Projects include controlling pollution, reducing use of plastics, increasing and supporting protective zones, and working toward a sustainable blue economy. http://www.maritime-executive.com/article/global-action-on-ocean-challenges

8. A new plastic made from sugar and CO2 is biodegradable under normal soil conditions. It has no chemicals such as BPA, and it is suitable for medical uses. https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2017/10/scientists-have-made-biodegradable-plastic-from-sugar-and-carbon-dioxide/ ?

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