[GWSG] CO2 level, CH4 up; forests a source, not sink; livestock guiltier; 9 recs to cities; peoples who survived threats; more solar in FL

Tilley, Al atilley at unf.edu
Sat Sep 30 08:16:20 EDT 2017

1. A Dutch assessment of global greenhouse gas emissions in 2016 shows that all developed nations either reduced CO2 emissions or held steady, while some developing nations continued to increase. Overall, CO2 emissions held steady for the third straight year, while other greenhouse gasses, notably methane, increased. Now we must reverse the trend and begin a rapid decrease of all greenhouse gasses.  https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2017/sep/28/global-carbon-emissions-stood-still-in-2016-offering-climate-hope

2. Forests, once a carbon sink, have become so degraded that they now release more carbon than US traffic. We need more vigorous programs of reforestation and protection of pristine growth. Tom Larson sends the article. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2017/sep/28/alarm-as-study-reveals-worlds-tropical-forests-are-huge-carbon-emission-source

Further details and analysis from the WA Post's Chris Mooney: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/energy-environment/wp/2017/09/28/tropical-forests-used-to-protect-us-from-climate-change-a-new-study-says-theyre-now-making-it-worse/?utm_term=.f574a7978ab5

3. A reevaluation of methane emissions from livestock show that they are 11% greater than indicated by IPCC guidelines.  https://phys.org/news/2017-09-global-methane-emissions-agriculture-larger.html

4.  The Center for American Progress report A Framework for Local Action on Climate Change makes nine recommendations. The first is that cities "make equity, racial justice, and a just economy core goals of city resilience and climate action plans." They imply that without such priorities climate change can render cities unstable. The emphasis throughout the report is on social justice. https://phys.org/news/2017-09-global-methane-emissions-agriculture-larger.html

5. "How Vulnerable Are We to Collapse?"  provides several examples to support the observation that "change is inevitable. But how cultural groups respond to the challenges they face determines whether they are able to cope-or not." The Hohokam of Arizona were a people who suffered because they were too attached to their technological infrastructure. We should be more like the resilient Tewa of New Mexico. A commitment to community and a willingness to change appear to be good equipment for survival. https://www.sapiens.org/archaeology/hohokam-mimbres-collapse/

6. Florida's major utilities are committing to serious targets for solar power: Tampa Electric, 600 megawatts by 2021; Duke Energy (a backer of the filthy ALEC), 700 mw by 2021; FL Power & Light, 2100 mw by 2023. http://www.tbo.com/news/business/energy/tampa-electric-agrees-to-generate-enough-solar-power-for-100000-homes/2339112  ?

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