[GWSG] Moving lakes; C rising; action urgent; leading child; Miami action; fluoride battery; shipping w/o C; 252 mya

Tilley, Al atilley at unf.edu
Fri Dec 7 08:26:28 EST 2018

1. A study in Nature Communications indicates that with the growing heat inland waters are drying and their contents deposited in the oceans, where they have contributed to sea level rise. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2018/11/181130153841.htm\<https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2018/11/181130153841.htm/>
Scientists reveal substantial water loss in global landlocked regions -- ScienceDaily<https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2018/11/181130153841.htm/>
A new study reveals that water storage declines in global landlocked basins has aggravated local water stress and caused potential sea level rise. Along with a warming climate and intensified ...

2. A UN report anticipates that global carbon emissions will be found to have risen sharply in 2018. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2018/dec/05/brutal-news-global-carbon-emissions-jump-to-all-time-high-in-2018

'Brutal news': global carbon emissions jump to all-time high in 2018 | Environment | The Guardian<https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2018/dec/05/brutal-news-global-carbon-emissions-jump-to-all-time-high-in-2018>
Almost all countries are contributing to the rise in emissions, with China up 4.7%, the US by 2.5% and India by 6.3% in 2018. Photograph: Michel Euler/AP Global carbon emissions will jump to a ...

3. The co-author of an essay in Nature warns that action on climate needs to be vigorous and sudden. Whatever we do, we will need to adapt to the accelerating heat. https://www.brookings.edu/blog/planetpolicy/2018/12/05/more-bad-news-on-the-global-warming-front/

More bad news on the global warming front - brookings.edu<https://www.brookings.edu/blog/planetpolicy/2018/12/05/more-bad-news-on-the-global-warming-front/>
A string of news from the scientific community, including an essay released Wednesday from Nature, suggests that global warming is getting a lot worse, quickly.

4. Greta Thunberg, 15, began and leads an international school strike for climate action. At Katowice she addressed a protest meeting. “For 25 years countless people have come to the UN climate conferences begging our world leaders to stop emissions and clearly that has not worked as emissions are continuing to rise. So I will not beg the world leaders to care for our future,” she said. “I will instead let them know change is coming whether they like it or not.” Thanks to Mary Ann Kidd for the story. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2018/dec/04/leaders-like-children-school-strike-founder-greta-thunberg-tells-un-climate-summit

'Our leaders are like children,' school strike founder tells climate summit | Environment | The Guardian<https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2018/dec/04/leaders-like-children-school-strike-founder-greta-thunberg-tells-un-climate-summit>
Thunberg said the rapid spread of school strikes for climate around the world was amazing. “It proves you are never too small to make a difference,” she said.

5. As the water rises in Miami, lower income areas on more elevated ground become more valuable. The City commission has moved to stabilize property taxes in those neighborhoods so that the poorer citizens will not be forced to move. It’s a positive step toward dealing with a social justice and equity problem. Relocation efforts will have to serve conscientiously those who cannot afford to move as well as those who can. https://www.climateliabilitynews.org/2018/12/06/miami-climate-gentrification/

Miami aims to protect low-income residents from climate displacement - climateliabilitynews.org<https://www.climateliabilitynews.org/2018/12/06/miami-climate-gentrification/>
By Dana Drugmand. As Miami struggles to plan for the impact of rising seas, its City Commission has taken the unusually forward-looking step of trying to protect low-income residents from being forced out of their higher-elevation neighborhoods by wealthier people fleeing their coastal properties.

6. Honda, NASA, and Caltech have developed a room-temperature fluoride battery with ten times the energy density of a lithium-ion battery. That should mean smaller, more powerful batteries (or, for cars, many times the range between charges) if the battery is successfully commercialized. They’re safer and easier on the environment, too. https://www.slashgear.com/honda-reveals-fluoride-battery-breakthrough-for-next-gen-power-storage-06557121/?utm_medium=40digest.prsonly.20181206.carousel&utm_source=email&utm_content=&utm_campaign=campaign

Honda reveals fluoride battery breakthrough for next-gen power storage - SlashGear<https://www.slashgear.com/honda-reveals-fluoride-battery-breakthrough-for-next-gen-power-storage-06557121/?utm_medium=40digest.prsonly.20181206.carousel&utm_source=email&utm_content=&utm_campaign=campaign>
Honda says the new technology sidesteps fluoride-based battery technology temperature limitations. The team successfully demonstrated the operation of fluoride-ion based energy cells at room ...

7. Denmark’s AP Moller Maersk, the world’s largest shipping company, is moving to eliminate their use of fossil fuels. They are responsible for 20% of the world’s shipping. https://qz.com/1486377/global-shipper-maersk-says-it-will-eliminate-fossil-fuels-by-2050/?utm_medium=40digest.prsonly.20181206.carousel&utm_source=email&utm_content=&utm_campaign=campaign

Global shipper Maersk says it will eliminate fossil fuels by 2050 — Quartz - qz.com<https://qz.com/1486377/global-shipper-maersk-says-it-will-eliminate-fossil-fuels-by-2050/?utm_medium=40digest.prsonly.20181206.carousel&utm_source=email&utm_content=&utm_campaign=campaign>
The biggest part of the process will be to switch to carbon-neutral ships by 2030, a move that depends on the industry’s ability to find cleaner ways to power their massive container ships.

8. The great dying 252m years ago was caused by global warming, probably from volcanic activity, which raised temperatures by 10C. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2018/dec/06/global-warming-extinction-report-the-great-dying

The 'great dying': rapid warming caused largest extinction event ever, report says | Environment | The Guardian<https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2018/dec/06/global-warming-extinction-report-the-great-dying>
The mass extinction, known as the “great dying”, occurred around 252m years ago and marked the end of the Permian geologic period. The study of sediments and fossilized creatures show the ...

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