[GWSG] ESCIMO dissers; building tips; Biden's new team; UK climate plan; its provisions; 5xawful weather

Tilley, Al atilley at unf.edu
Thu Nov 19 08:32:24 EST 2020

1. PhysOrg provides an account of the ESCIMO study reported in the last news list. Two climate scientists dismiss the finding that 50-60 years ago we passed the point at which ending greenhouse gas emissions would have eventually halted the global heating process. (Many others scientists, some mentioned in last week’s links, consider that the Nature article is worth investigation.)  https://phys.org/news/2020-11-greenhouse-gas-emissions-global.html?utm_source=nwletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=weekly-nwletter

2. A virtual conference hosted in Sweden on sustainable ways of building cities has yielded 72 concrete proposals. The suggestions are specific to Northwestern Europe; other regions will necessarily differ in their practices. The Beyond 2020 World Conference drew 1000 participants.  The next conference on the topic is scheduled for Montreal in 2023.  https://phys.org/news/2020-11-environmental-impact-global-built-environment.html

3. President-elect Biden’s team builders routinely ask of even low-level candidates, “Is the person climate-ambitious?” Biden is said to intend to take immediate action on two matters, the corona virus and climate.  https://www.nytimes.com/2020/11/17/climate/biden-climate-change.html

4. Like Germany, France, China, and the incoming US government, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson plans a green recovery from the virus. The Guardian is guardedly enthusiastic about his 10 points—they are the right way to start. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2020/nov/18/the-guardian-view-on-johnsons-green-jobs-plan-the-right-way-to-start

5. The NY Times describes the UK plan, which would halt the sale of new internal combustion vehicles by 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality by 2050.  https://www.nytimes.com/2020/11/18/world/europe/johnson-britain-energy-electric-cars-carbon.html?utm_campaign=Carbon%20Brief%20Daily%20Briefing&utm_content=20201119&utm_medium=email&utm_source=Revue%20Daily

6. A forthcoming article concludes that if we reach 2C of heat we will see an over five-fold increase in extreme weather events such as “river floods, tropical cyclones, crop failure, wildfires, drought, and heatwaves.” The open-access article is to appear in Earth’s Future.  https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1029/2020EF001616?af=R&utm_campaign=Carbon+Brief+Daily+Briefing&utm_content=20201118&utm_medium=email&utm_source=Revue+Daily

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