[GWSG] Renewables stock; sink filling; renovate, not rebuild; right PR; China-US climate action

Tilley, Al atilley at unf.edu
Sun Mar 21 09:27:19 EDT 2021

1. In the last decade, renewables have outperformed fossil fuels in the market by a factor of three, with both higher returns and lower volatility. “Over ten years, the total return for all renewable energy companies in the global markets category reached over 422% compared to 59% for fossil fuels.” Total investment in renewables still lags that in fossil fuels, but it is clear where the smarter money has gone and will go.  https://www.funds-europe.com/news/renewable-energy-outperforms-fossil-fuels-over-last-decade

2. With increasing CO2, plants have grown faster, sequestering more carbon. However, now nutrients and water are not keeping pace and the ability of plants to be a sink for carbon is slowing down. The employment of trees to mitigate carbon buildup needs to be recalculated. https://www.funds-europe.com/news/renewable-energy-outperforms-fossil-fuels-over-last-decade

3. The top prize in architecture this year went to a team which innovates for energy efficiency rather than building anew. Their advice: “Never demolish, never remove or replace, always add, transform, and reuse!”  https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/mar/20/cities-greener-prize-architecture-emissions

4. A survey in the US and Germany found that emphasizing the urgency of climate action is not sufficient in itself to build support for strong policies. "If the governments are open, transparent, engaging, and authentic with climate policies, people actually are more likely to follow, and the risk of public backlash is way smaller."  https://phys.org/news/2021-03-emphasizing-urgency-wont-major-climate.html

5.  A Chinese news agency reported that China and the Us have agreed to “form a working group on climate.” https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/china-says-it-will-work-with-us-on-climate/ar-BB1eO2Mj

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