[GWSG] Cabled power for UK; US climate opinion; ; generations opine in UK; Ford's new plants; electrifying transport; vanishing fossil power

Tilley, Al atilley at unf.edu
Sat Oct 2 09:01:40 EDT 2021

1. Morocco is building a 10.5 gigawatt solar and wind farm with 5 GW of battery storage to supply England with 8% of its energy needs. The power will be transmitted by the world’s longest marine cable. https://reneweconomy.com.au/massive-10-5gw-wind-solar-and-battery-project-in-morocco-to-send-power-to-uk/

2. For the first time, a majority of Americans think the country is being harmed right now by the climate crisis. 76% consider that it is happening, and 70% are worried about it. https://outlook.office.com/mail/inbox/id/AAQkADY3M2IwNjNlLWY1ODItNGUxMi04MGY0LTE4OWQxNGM3ZWNlNAAQAGUAx8djVnpEq7sUuIGYnSM%3D

3. There is no generational difference among the 70% of English people who say that the climate crisis is serious enough to warrant lifestyle changes. A similar number say they are ready to make sacrifices. In a generational difference detected by the survey, a third of the youngest group polled, Gen Z, believe that we are lost no matter what we do, but only 19% of Boomers, the oldest, are so bleak. The general impression that older people are more resigned to the crisis and less likely to take action is opposite to what the survey found.  https://phys.org/news/2021-09-climate-action-myth.html

4. Ford is putting $11 billion into two new factory complexes near Memphis and Louisville which will manufacture electric trucks and the batteries to power them. Ford intends to be 40% electric by 2030; GM says it will get rid of gasoline engines by 2035. https://climatecrocks.com/2021/09/28/fords-11-billion-dollar-bet-on-evs/

5. China and the EU are ahead of us in electrification of transportation.  Norway may sell its last gasoline car as early as next year.  https://www.iea.org/reports/global-ev-outlook-2021/trends-and-developments-in-electric-vehicle-markets

6. It has been two years since fossil fuels contributed the majority of new power generation capacity in the US. In 2021 Q2 they contributed 5%, which was more than in 2020 Q3 or Q4. The energy transition is well underway. https://ilsr.org/new-power-gen-update-2021-q2/

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