[GWSG] At- risk species; selfies; trees a C bust; the case for renewables; hazards of the '20s

Tilley, Al atilley at unf.edu
Wed Oct 27 08:29:23 EDT 2021

1.  British physicist Brian Cox observes that we may be the only civilized life in the galaxy. If so, we might be doing something significant if we destroyed ourselves. https://www.theguardian.com/science/2021/oct/19/earths-demise-could-rid-galaxy-of-meaning-warns-brian-cox-ahead-of-cop26

2. A couple of recent polls show that Americans are still divided on the climate, with almost half still believing that humans are not primarily responsible. About two-thirds see climate as an important issue, though almost a third still think that scientists are at odds with one another over the causes. https://climatecrocks.com/2021/10/26/on-eve-of-glasgow-polls-show-americans-concerned-still-divided-on-climate/
A more leisurely tour of the Guardian-Vice News-Covering Climate Now poll emphasizes the political polarization of US climate views. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2021/oct/26/climate-change-poll-oil-gas-companies-environment

3. At least some young forests are net carbon sources. Older forests embody more carbon than they release and become carbon sinks. Then, when they are harvested or burn, they become sources again. Forestation, it seems, is not a robust carbon sequestration technology—perhaps not one at all, but a carbon source. https://climatecrocks.com/2021/10/21/pbs-the-science-on-planting-trees-to-combat-climate-change/
Forests, of course, have their own value, as well as serving biodiversity and other vital needs. Luckily, we have other carbon sequestration methods, such as kelp permaculture.
 4. Rice U scholars dismantle the fossil fuel industry talking points that renewables would bring dirtier mining practices, require reserves of valuable materials, and bring geopolitical risks. “Energy policymakers should understand there’s a payoff for harnessing energy flows that cannot be traded, exhausted or interrupted. The benefits include climate and environment, but also extend to energy security.” An 11-minute video records the oil industry’s depredations in the Amazon.  https://climatecrocks.com/2021/10/24/clean-energy-mining-footprint-tiny-compared-to-fossil-fuels/

5. A study of the opinions of over 200 climate scientists concerning immediate hazards points to 10 “hazard-impact pathways” in this decade. All concern Africa and Asia, but the effects will spread to the rest of the world. “Without more aid for adaptation and poverty reduction, food insecurity due to extreme heat, drought, storm damage and multiple crop failures could result in political instability and conflict and drive increased migration to Southern Europe." The study recommends creating a climate risk register to identify the communities most at risk and to trace hazard cascades as well as coping actions and programs.  https://phys.org/news/2021-10-scientists-global-cascade-climate-impacts.html

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