[GWSG] New SLR model; Thwaites studies; Gutteres' warning; the doom loop; new jobs chart; the power of love

Tilley, Al atilley at unf.edu
Fri Feb 17 10:46:57 EST 2023

1. New climate modelling for the first time captures the coupling among ice sheets, icebergs, ocean, and atmosphere. It indicates that we can avoid runaway sea level rise only if we achieve zero carbon emissions before 2060. Heating above 1.8C would expose us to marked rises from destabilization of the polar ice sheets.  https://phys.org/news/2023-02-global-sea-imminent-18c-planetary.html?utm_source=nwletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=daily-nwletter

2. New studies of the melting underside of the Thwaites Glacier in the West Antarctic found it to be more destabilized than supposed. It may already be in the process of adding two feet of sea level rise this century, and of adding much more in time to come. Other regions may be undergoing similar destabilization. “This means we should be worried, very worried for the other places where the melt [rates are] high and the retreat is high. The system is very sensitive to the ocean, more than we thought."  https://www.axios.com/2023/02/16/thwaites-glacier-melt-antarctica-sea-level-rise?utm_source=cbnewsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_term=2023-02-16&utm_campaign=Daily+Briefing+16+02+2023
The two Nature articles describing the findings have been made available to the public. On the general melting near the ground line: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-022-05586-0?utm_source=cbnewsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_term=2023-02-16&utm_campaign=Daily+Briefing+16+02+2023
On the high melt rates where the ice is sharply sloped at the ocean interface: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-022-05691-0?utm_source=cbnewsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_term=2023-02-16&utm_campaign=Daily+Briefing+16+02+2023

3. UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres warns that rising seas threaten to produce climate refugees “on a biblical scale. And we would see ever fiercer competition for fresh water, land and other resources. ”  https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/feb/14/rising-seas-threaten-mass-exodus-on-a-biblical-scale-un-chief-warns

4. A study by two independent research organizations warns that the shocks of the climate crisis threaten to create a doom loop which will prevent us from taking effective action.  “This is a doom loop: the consequences of the [climate] crisis draw focus and resources from tackling its causes, leading to higher temperatures and ecological loss, which then create more severe consequences, diverting even more attention and resources, and so on.” A perception of unfairness in climate actions can render the actions ineffective. We need to frame our actions as contributing to a desirable future, and then secure results which encourage further action.    https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/feb/16/world-risks-descending-into-a-climate-doom-loop-warn-thinktanks

5. A chart shows to what states the hundreds of thousands of new jobs created by the Inflation Reduction Act by 2030 are likely to go. https://www.canarymedia.com/articles/clean-energy-jobs/chart-us-climate-law-to-spur-thousands-of-new-jobs-in-every-state?utm_campaign=canary&utm_medium=email&_hsmi=246527889&_hsenc=p2ANqtz-8UDopBqMQRk7b7QwitjSKb19hXdf7OIddGzmAjp1dOcea_DysG-Mg0D4CSM4jb8t0HPouNiLRxXIEeF5w68g-fsCNZHw&utm_source=newsletter

6. Love—for others, for animals, for forests, for the planet—is a powerful driver of climate action. https://yaleclimateconnections.org/2023/02/the-power-of-love-in-the-fight-against-climate-change/?utm_source=Weekly+News+from+Yale+Climate+Connections&utm_campaign=1d93dd6477-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2023_02_16_06_29&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_-1d93dd6477-%5BLIST_EMAIL_ID%5D

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