[GWSG] Antarctic heat; HFC phasedown; NREL's Expert Match; 1/3 reneeables by 2030; SST, Mann's perspective; plutocrats vs. earth

Tilley, Al atilley at unf.edu
Sun Jul 16 09:52:37 EDT 2023

1. It’s hot in the Antarctic, which is in its winter. Sea ice is decreasing rapidly; ice sheet melting is expected to increase. The resulting increase of sea level is hard to specify. https://www.vox.com/climate/23792828/antarctica-heat-wave-sea-ice-level-record-el-nino

2. The EPA is initiating a series of phasedowns on the use of HFCs to cool buildings. The impact will be to avoid .5C of heating by the end of the century. https://www.environmentalleader.com/2023/07/epa-continues-phasedown-of-super-polluting-hfcs/?utm_source=E%2B+E+Leader+Newsletter&utm_campaign=517a553175-NL_7_13_2023&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_d08d9ea911-517a553175-19294371

3. The National Renewable Energy Laboratory offers a grant plan to provide expert assistance to communities interested in developing renewable energy. One of the initial Clean Energy to Communities Expert Match projects is with the Black Farmers’ Collaborative in Bealsville, FL. https://www.nrel.gov/news/features/2023/nrel-partners-with-black-farmers-collaborative-to-plan-solar-panels-for-florida-farms-and-churches.html

4. RMI projects that renewable energy is now likely to provide a third of the world’s energy by 2030. “China and Europe are leading the way.” Christiana Figueres calls for “removing the barriers to faster renewable deployment” by taking such actions as redirecting fossil fuel subsidies and streamlining permitting.  https://rmi.org/press-release/renewable-energy-deployment-puts-global-power-system-on-track-for-ambitious-net-zero-pathway/

5. Two brief videos from MSNBC, one sketching the current effects of the climate crisis on sea surface temperatures and the second interviewing Michael Mann about what our situation looks like to a climate scientist. https://climatecrocks.com/2023/07/14/hot-ocean-is-a-chilling-vision-of-the-future/

6. George Monbiot observes that as the food system approaches a state of collapse, the contrast between the wealthy and the poor increases and plutocrats resist climate action more firmly. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/jul/15/food-systems-collapse-plutocrats-life-on-earth-climate-breakdown

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