[GWSG] Arctic methane; Zap&Go battery; Mayor Shaver's news on flooding

Tilley, Al atilley at unf.edu
Sat Feb 2 10:52:28 EST 2019

1. People who study methane hydrates on the continental shelf and the release of methane from melting permafrost say that while those Arctic sources are troubling, we need not fear a sudden runaway feedback event. We can avoid much of the danger they pose by controlling our emissions of greenhouse gasses. https://www.yaleclimateconnections.org/2019/01/methane-time-bomb-isnt-actually-a-bomb/

2. Oxford U’s Zap&Go carbon ion battery is really a capacitor which holds its charge. It charges quickly and its expected life is 30 years with no detectable degradation. They expect to begin commercial production for vehicles in 2025, using the same factories now producing Li-ion batteries. Their current generation of batteries is designed for grid storage applications and for use at vehicle charging stations.  https://cleantechnica.com/2019/02/01/zapgos-carbon-ion-battery-delivers-ultra-fast-charging-zero-degradation/

3. St. Augustine FL’s Mayor Nancy Shaver responded to a suggestion for a 20-year climate plan by saying that she didn’t have 20 years. She expects that 30% of her city’s road network will be underwater 90 days a year by 2030. Her city’s primary immediate vulnerability is their wastewater treatment plant. The segment begins at 25 minutes 18 seconds of the tape. Also interviewed is Dr. Todd Sack, who is on a Jacksonville Adaptation Area Action Working Group which will advise the city on dealing with flooding.  http://news.wjct.org/post/12919-anti-bullying-app-climate-change-and-health-moveable-feast-thin-mint-sprint

If after a vulnerability study St. Augustine is expecting a devastating degree of flooding in eleven years, other coastal communities in the region may expect the same. Our window for planning is short. Thanks to Todd Sack for sending the tape.

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